Descriptive Text


Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is one type of text in English that is used to write descriptive narratives to make it more lively.

In this narrative, the author can describe things from places, objects, to feelings as clearly as possible.

The goal is only one, namely to make the reader can enter into a writing.

In descriptive text, the selected words usually use detailed adjectives.

For example, if you want to describe the taste of a food, the word delicious or delicious is not enough.

You need to mention starting from the taste, shape, even composition.

• Example: 
My favorite food is chicken fettuccini pasta. I prefer this dish because of its great taste. It consists of a magnificent sauce, tender chicken, and mixed vegetables.

This blend of ingredients contributes to the flavor, texture, and appearance of the pasta.

Just because the sauce isn’t an attractive color, which is a dull white with drops of grey from mushrooms and specks of green from the broccoli, doesn’t mean it’s not a tantalizing dish.

It’s truly what I call the cream of the crop.

Characteristics of Descriptive Text

This type of text has characteristics that you need to understand. Among others are:

• Social function/purpose of text:
The function of descriptive writing is to introduce an object to the reader in a detailed way. These objects can be people, places, or other things.

• Generic structures:
In writing a descriptive text, there is a structure that you need to pay attention to. Among others are:

=> Identification: to describe an object in writing, you need to enter identification in the first paragraph. The goal is to introduce the object to the reader before it is described further and in depth.

=> Description: is a part that must be written in each paragraph clearly. You can enter adjectives, traits, facts, even qualities of the object if needed.

• Language future of the text: In writing descriptive text in English, there are some special characteristics that you can remember. Among others are:

=> Using the present tense such as: It has two doors, my mom likes cooking, and so on.

=> State verbs: in descriptive narratives, the words used are stative verbs to describe a situation, for example: think, believe, have, belong, love, hate, and others.

=> The use of various adjectives or adjectives. To describe something, you have to use a variety of adjectives. Try not to repeat the same adjectives so as not to be redundant. You can use the help of a thesaurus to look for word similarities to avoid repeating words.

=> Use of adverbs: in descriptive text, adverbs are also used as part of a sentence or paragraph, for example: loudly, fluently, carelessly, fast, and others.

Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

When writing descriptive text, there are some generic structures (actually not mandatory) for our writing to be true. The arrangement is:

• Identification: (contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal or object will be described.)

• Description: contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or person by describing its features, forms, colors, or anything related to what the writer describe.

Purpose of Descriptive text

– To describe person, thing or place in specific

– To describe a particular person, thing or place.

Language Feature of Descriptive Text

– Specific participant : has a certain object, is not common and unique (only one). for example: Bandengan beach, my house, Borobudur temple, uncle Jim

– The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun, for example: a beautiful beach, a handsome man, the famous place in jepara, etc.

– The use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is simple present because it tells the fact of the object described.
– Action verb: verbs that show an activity (for example, run, sleep, walk, cut etc….

Tips to write Descriptive Text

1. Make sure to choose a meaningful person, place, or thing. …

2. Introduce the person, place, or thing you are describing. …

3. Engage your reader’s sense of sight. …

4. Describe smells and tastes if you can. …

5. Describe how the moment or item feels. …

6. Describe how your subject sounds.

7. Make unique observations

8. Include some figurative language.

9. Wrap it up

Example of Descriptive Text 

Lembah Pelangi Waterfall

Lembah Pelangi Waterfall sounds unfamiliar for either local or foreign tourists. Lembah Pelangi Waterfall is located in Sukamaju village, Ulubelu sub district, Tanggamus district, Lampung province, Indonesia. The access to this place is quite difficult because Ulu Belu sub district is a remote area in Lampung with its hilly contours which make this tourist spot elusive.

Lembah Pelangi Waterfall has two levels where the waterfall on the second level has two branches. The height of the first level waterfall is about 100 meters, while the second level waterfall is about dozens of meters. The best enchantment of this waterfall is the rainbow which appears between the valley and the waterfall as the name suggests. The soft flowing gurgling waterfall sounds is like a chant of nature which can remove the tiredness of the long trip to go there. Under the waterfall, there are several spots of warm water which can be an interesting spot for bathing.

In this place, you will be shown a panorama of natural beauty which is very interesting for every pair of eyes seeing it. Rocky hills accompanied by leafy trees will actually soothe both your eyes.


Here's my video about Descriptive Text


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