Caption Text Exercise

“I can’t change the direction of the wind

But I can adjust my sails to always reach My destination”

-Jimmy Dean-

1. What does the word adjust means in the caption?

a. We can decide our ways

b. We can arrange our plans

c. We can make our ways

d. We need someone to give advances

e. We should appreciate our ways

2. The words Sails mean….

a. Our goal

b. Our decision

c. Our dream

d. Our ways

e. Our beliving

"Microsoft word Will never Understand That my name Is NOT a Spelling mistake"

3. What is the meaning of the text?

a. Name is not a mistake

b. The writer’s name is fault

c. Ms. World is just a program

d. We can not depend on the program

e. We have to be grateful with our name

4. Why does father in the picture play bamboo flute? Because, bamboo flute…

a. A simple way of music

b. Cheap things

c. It can be found everywhere

d. Everybody can use it

e. Bamboo represent simple, warm, and traditional

5. What is the meaning of the sentence?

a. Love can be represent by music

b. It is about how to play music

c. Love is music

d. A child loves music

e. A father plays music for his child


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